Membership & Benefits


Welfare Assistance

Financial & Medical Support

Training & Growth

Skill Development Programs

Legal Support

Workplace Rights & Dispute Resolution

“Who We Are”

Tamil Nadu Sales Representative Welfare and Wellness Association (TANSARWA) is a government-registered trust committed to the welfare, rights, and opportunities of sales representatives across Tamil Nadu. With a professional and compassionate approach, we are building a bridge of trust between members and corporates.
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Trusted by 1,000+ Members

Trusted by 1,000+ Members

Recognized for our dedication and results.

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Proven Track Record

Proven Track Record

Significant contributions made towards welfare initiatives, ensuring support for our members.

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Corporate Collaborations

Corporate Collaborations

Partnered with leading companies to support our members.

Welcome to tansarwa

Empowering Sales Representatives, Enriching Lives

Dedicated to safeguarding rights, providing welfare, and building a better tomorrow for sales representatives and communities.

President, “Kamalraj”

When sales representatives are empowered with the right support and opportunities, they can achieve professional growth and stability. Challenges may arise, but with unity and determination, we ensure their rights, well-being, and future success.

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"Sales Representatives Demonstrated Dedication & Resilience in Challenging Times."

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Membership Benefits

Monthly subscription fee of ₹50 per member.

Legal assistance for disputes with companies or distributors.

Financial aid for health emergencies, job loss, and other crises.

Training programs for career development and post-retirement care.

Access to welfare initiatives like pension schemes, bonuses & compensation.

Annual family trips organized for members.


Significant Achievements

Conducted grand meetings in all districts with widespread participation.

Assisted sales representatives with health and medical emergencies.

Helped recover pending salaries, provident funds, gratuity allowances, and investments for distributors and members.

Conducted specialized training programs to enhance sales and marketing skills.

Provided manufacturers with actionable product feedback for improved market performance.

Distributed thoughtful return gifts at every meeting.

Supported the families of deceased sales representatives with financial aid collected from members.

Interesting Facts


Active Members
District-Level Committees
Events & Meetings Annually
Training & Career Development Programs